RBBB 240
Thrall flatcar (RBB&B 240).  The model consists of a 3D-printed body on an Micro-Trains circus flatcar underframe decorated with Circus City decals, riding on Atlas Barber S2A trucks and ESM metal wheels. 

Zucchini human cannonball truck.  Heavily modified Showcase Miniatures Mack B tractor cab mated with a 3D-printed cannon payload.  Etched steering wheel and wire steering column.  Etched stainless steel grill and grill medallion, custom medallion decal printed on color LaserJet.

Rocket Car. Based on the Walthers HO model.  3D-printed with custom details printed on color LaserJet.

Case L1 tractor #C-5.  3D-printed with wire and etched details added.  Airbrushed with decanted Rustoleum Caterpillar yellow.  Custom decals printed on color LaserJet.

Caterpillar D4 crane #B-8.  3D-printed with the finer details formed from wire and styrene.  Rustoleum’s Cat Yellow decanted and airbrushed.  Custom detals output on an Alps and color LaserJet.  Rigging cables from AK Interactive hyper-thin stretch rigging thread.